People from all over the world queue to see acupuncturist Leong Hong Tole who has made a name for himself in the world of traditional complementary medicine...Read
Source: The Star Newspaper (Malaysia) |
A stroke is kind of a strange word for a health problem. You probably think of a stroke as something good. You might stroke your dog's fur. Or maybe someone has told you: "That's a stroke of good luck." But if someone has a stroke it means something has stopped the normal blood flow to the brain. Strokes usually happen to older people, like grandparents. Kids don't typically get them.
Blood is circulating through your body all the time in tubes called arteries and veins. Usually, these blood vessels work fine and there's no problem. That's important because blood carries oxygen to all the cells in your body. And without oxygen, the cells would die.
A stroke can happen if something keeps the blood from flowing as it should. A person might have a clogged blood vessel, so the blood can't get through. Or a blood vessel may burst and a part of the brain is suddenly flooded with blood. Either way, with a stroke, brain cells die because they don't get the oxygen they need.
There are two main types of strokes:
Ischemic (say: iss-kee-mik) strokes happen when a blood vessel going to the brain becomes blocked, and the blood can't get where it's supposed to be. This type of stroke is the most common. A blood clot - a clump of blood that sticks together - is usually to blame for ischemic strokes. They can also happen when arteries become narrow and clogged with plaque. Plaque is a mix of cholesterol and other fatty stuff that sticks to the walls of blood vessels.
Hemorrhagic (say: heh-muh-rah-jik) strokes happen when a weak or thin blood vessel bursts and the blood spills out, killing brain cells and affecting how the brain works. High blood pressure can weaken the walls of vessels and make a hemorrhagic stroke much more likely.
There are also "mini strokes" called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). These are not full-blown stokes because the blood flow is only cut off for a short amount of time and they don't cause the same kind of damage right away, however, they are a warning sign that something is wrong and that a real stroke may be on its way. Strokes are serious. People who have strokes can get really sick, have brain damage, or die. But many people recover from strokes, especially if they know the warning signs and can get help quickly.
What Happens During a Stroke?
A stroke usually happens suddenly, and a person having a stroke has several of these signs:
numbness or weakness on one side of the body
a very bad headache
loss of balance or coordination
trouble talking or understanding what people are saying
trouble seeing
Anyone who has even one of these symptoms should get to the hospital right away. The first thing a doctor will do is make sure the person is not in immediate danger, like making sure he or she can breathe. Next, the doctor will want to figure out what's causing this problem. The doctor can run tests on the heart and brain.
If it looks like a stroke, doctors usually get a CT scan, a special kind of X-ray of the brain. This test can show the doctor what part of the brain has been affected and how big the stroke is.
How Does a Person Get Better?
Recovering from a stroke can happen quickly or can take a long time. How soon someone gets better depends on how bad the stroke was and how healthy the person was before the stroke.
People who have had a stroke may need medicine or surgery. Later, they may need rehabilitation (say: ree-huh-bih-luh-tay-shun). Treatment for a stroke will depend on what caused it.
Medicine: For a stroke caused by a clogged blood vessel (ischemic), the doctor might give the person medicine that thins the blood and keeps it from clotting too much. There's even "clot-busting" medicine that can break up a blood clot. This medicine is given through an IV and works best if it is given very quickly.
Surgery: Doctors may do surgery to open up a clogged blood vessel to help prevent another stroke later on. If a person has had a hemorrhagic stroke, surgery may be needed to remove blood clots or fix weak blood vessels.
Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation, or rehab, means the person needs to relearn basic things, like walking, talking, writing, or taking care of themselves. They may need speech therapy, physical therapy, or occupational therapy.
If Someone You Love Has a Stroke
It can be scary if someone you care about has a stroke. But strokes can be big or small. A small one may not cause too much damage and the person may get back to normal quickly.
But a major stroke can cause big problems with important stuff, like walking and talking. With a major stroke, the person may spend a lot of time in the hospital. Once the person is home, he or she may need special care, therapy, medicine, and a lot of doctor visits. In some cases, the person may have lasting problems with important skills, like walking or talking.
But often, people are able to relearn the important skills they lost. It may take time and patience, though. So if you know someone who has had a stroke, encourage them to keep on doing the hard work necessary to regain these skills.
It's also important for you to talk with someone if you have questions or worries about someone who has had a stroke. You might feel sad, frustrated, or angry that this happened to someone you love, especially if this person isn't able to do stuff with you like before. It's also normal for the person who had a stroke to feel frustrated and upset, especially if he or she has to learn something as basic as feeding himself or herself. It can make the person feel less independent.
Doctors too have no confidence on Western Treatment for cancer. Is it true?
A study by World Cancer Research Fund International indicates that there are an estimated 12.7 million cancer cases around the world in 2008, of these 6.6 million cases were in men and 6.0 million in women. This number is expected to increase to 21 million by 2030 at http://www.wcrf.org/cancer_statistics/world_cancer_statistics.php. It was also cited that 6 per cent of all cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) occur in less developed countries and 44 per cent in more developed countries. Overall, the main attributes of the increasing trend of cancer patients is due to lifestyle factors.
Very interestingly, I would like to know what will a doctor do if he/she is diagnosed with cancer when I came across this article “How Doctors Die” by Dr Ken Murray, MD at http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2012/08/06/how-doctors-die/. “Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. This surgeon was one of the best in the country. He had even invented a new procedure for this exact cancer that could triple a patient’s five-year-survival odds—from 5 percent to 15 percent—albeit with a poor quality of life. Charlie was uninterested. He went home the next day, closed his practice, and never set foot in a hospital again. He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible. Several months later, he died at home. He got no chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment. Medicare didn’t spend much on him.”
Why would a doctor cease to go for treatment? Could it be that they themselves have no confidence on western way of treating cancer? or they wouldn’t want to undergo chemotherapy, radiation or surgical treatment that has drastic side effects after administering.
The 4th paragraph of the article reads “Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call “futile care” being performed on people. That’s when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life. The patient will get cut open, perforated with tubes, hooked up to machines, and assaulted with drugs. All of this occurs in the Intensive Care Unit at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars a day. What it buys is misery we would not inflict on a terrorist.”
If it is so miserable, then why is everyone still seeking western treatment for cancer? I found a website that uses The TOLE’s way of cancer treatment that uses herbal concoction, acupuncture and herbal juice as part of the treatment. Not too sure of its effectiveness, nevertheless, The TOLE’s way of cancer treatment does seem to be a happier choice if compared to western medication and also cheaper cost.
Wikitole : https://thetole.org/wikitole/
Online Shop : www.thetole.org/shop
Online Consultation : www.thetole.org/shop/consultation/
Stroke True Case - Acupuncture treatment and Herbal Medicine Treatment |
Mr Teoh, Age 52 (1995)
Mr Teoh suffered from stroke which paralyzed the right side of his body. He was still recovering from the stroke when he fell and injured his head, resulting in another blood dot that was inoperable because of his weak condition.
He was under a lot of medication (about 10-12 tablets per day). He also had high blood pressure and diabetes. His son consulted Master about acupuncture treatment; on whether it will be suitable in his condition. Since he can’t bring his father yet; master gave him some brain powder medicine herbs after going through his medical reports.
He was given the medicine herbs twice a day. After taking the medicine herbs for about 5 days, he showed a lot of improvements. He could move his fingers and toes. He felt stronger, his speech much improved. Apart from the brain powder medicine herbs, he was also given herbal medicine, two packets per day.
A week later, he was discharged from the hospital; was brought to our centre for acupuncture treatment. Master advised him to do intensive acupuncture treatment; three times a day. He came daily, after two weeks of treatment; he could walk with assistance, his blood pressure and glucose level stable. Slowly he could get up on his own, his right arm and leg become stronger.
His son was very happy and continued the treatment until his father recovered. |
Name : Christine.
Sex : Female
Age : 58.
Complain Stroke:
Her families complain that she has multiple infract (multiple stroke within 3 weeks). Now she coma in hospital and her families cannot see their daughter / sister, just lay in the bed without action, speak or laughing. She just likes dead vegetable body in the bed. She is staying in his brother private hospital in Jalan Ipoh. His brother, Dr R. has known about Chinese Master in KL from one of his colleague and he also heard that Chinese Master is the top successful traditional doctors in Malaysia, Master in acupuncture and Top Chinese Physician. He agreed to require for Chinese Master help and ask him to do acupuncture treatment to his sister in his hospital.
After make an appointment they meet Chinese Master at Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre in KL and tell him about Christine condition before and after her coma and saw the MRI. Chinese Master understands and told them not to worry and he can bring Christine out of coma within 1 day till 1 months. The next day his brother brings Chinese Master to the hospital where Christine was coma. All doctors and nurses were surprised to see and meet Chinese Master, the Great Famous Chinese physician.
Chinese Master's NEURO Stroke-Acupuncture:
After seeing her condition, Chinese Master will do brain and body acupuncture to get him from coma and make her brain more functioning from Stroke. For first time acupuncture nothing happen to her but acupuncture will keep the Qi in the brain balance and strengthen it back as before.
She still continues Chinese Master's NEURO Stroke acupuncture and after 3 days of acupuncture then she gain back 100% conscious. She totally conscious and can even crack jokes for us. She is not longer like before just lie on the bed and don't know yet what will happen to her. Now she very happy and more appreciate in her life. She doesn't waste her time and spend more her life time with her families. She satisfied on what has Chinese Master done on her.
Her families, friend, doctors, nurses and patients in hospital were very amazing with what has happen to her. They said that Chinese Master has done a magic show to her. Everybody were happy on her so as she. |
A stroke can happen if something keeps the blood from flowing as it should. A person
might have a clogged blood vessel, so the blood can't get through.
Ischemic (say: iss-kee-mik) strokes happen when a blood vessel going to the brain
becomes blocked, and the blood can't get where it's supposed to be.
Hemorrhagic (say: heh-muh-rah-jik) strokes happen when a weak or thin blood vessel
bursts and the blood spills out, killing brain cells and affecting how the brain works.
There are also "mini strokes" called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). These are not
full-blown stokes because the blood flow is only cut off for a short amount of time... |
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